Monday, February 25, 2013

Life, Love and Death.

The decision to pull the plug on someone's life line.
Someone you love, even someone you just know.
Last night, it was a decision that fell on the shoulders of someone with whom I consider as a sister.
I don't have any but she's as close as I can get to one.
My uncle. Her father.
Yesterday, after they've made that call, my husband and I got to talking.
Actually, we made a pact.
I told him I WILL HOLD ON.
I will hold on to him for as long as he can fight that proverbial light that will beckon him.
Turn away, shield your eyes.
Selfish, I know.
But then he said, "I will hold on to you".
He will keep me here until the last vestige of hope flickered to its quiet death.
And then I held on just a little tighter.
Until I squeezed the fear out of me.
I don't want to think of a time when I don't have him in my life.

STATUS: Melancholic
MUSIC to ease your soul: Laughing With by Regina Spektor